Monday Musings: Missing a Missing Friend
We lived in Australia for a year back in the mid 2000s, when our daughters were in primary school. Alex, the older one, turned 11 while we were there. Erin turned 7. Both girls were already swimming...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Places I Want To Visit
As spring begins and summer looms, I find myself thinking more and more about travel. I already have a couple of trips planned for a bit later in the year — a trip to Denver, Colorado and Laramie,...
View ArticleMonday Musings: For Our Adult Children
We want them to be happy, but we know happiness is elusive, and we remember being their age and struggling to find joy ourselves. We want them to be safe, but we know a safe life is not likely to be an...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Mental Health and My Complacency — A #HoldOnToTheLight Post
I should have enjoyed last week. We had the release of The Chalice War: Stone, the first book in my new Celtic-themed urban fantasy. Lots of spring migrants (talking ’bout birds here) moved through our...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Reflections on College Graduation Weekend
This weekend, Nancy, as acting president of the university here, is presiding over her second, and last, college graduation. In July, a new president (or Vice Chancellor, as the president here is...
View ArticleMonday Musings: A Letter To My Younger Self
Dear Younger Me, Yes, that’s really our hairline now. Calm down. It’s not— Would you please calm down? Thank you. What did you expect? Seriously. Dad was bald. Bill and Jim had lost their hair by the...
View ArticleMonday Musings: What’s Next?
Today is Juneteenth, of course — a (now) federally recognized holiday commemorating the emancipation of slaves in 1865. And I wish all of you a wonderful day of celebration and reflection. As proud as...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Contemplating Our Republic As July 4th Approaches
This is a holiday week and Nancy’s first week as FORMER acting-president of the university. And so I am feeling lazy and rather unmotivated. I can think of lots of stuff to write about, but those...
View ArticleMonday Musings: A Strange Post In Times Of Personal Struggle
This has not been the best week for my family and me. It was, actually, the sort of week that not so long ago would have convinced me to take a break from blogging at all, to say “I need some down...
View ArticleMonday Musings (On Tuesday): Our Family Trip
As I write this, we are winging our way back home after a week and a half in the mountains of Colorado, west of Colorado Springs. Nancy and I rented a house in a little town called Florissant, just a...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Digital Technology, Ansel Adams, and the Joy of Modern...
As I mentioned in a post last week, Nancy and I just spent a week and a half out in Colorado, seeing our girls, hiking, and unwinding. It was a good trip, and, as is my wont, I spent a fair amount of...
View ArticleMonday Musings: A Walk in the Rain, and a Quest for Solace
This is one of those weeks when I really have no idea what to write. The idea of the Monday Musings posts is that I compose something based on what I’m thinking about. But this week . . . well, let’s...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Family, Soccer, and the Women’s World Cup
Earlier this year, I wrote a post about Title IX (which became law a half century ago) and the impact women’s sports have had on our culture, our society, and my family. I received a fair number of...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Thunderstorm Memories
As I write this, a storm is moving in. The sky has turned an angry shade of purple-gray, and thunder rumbles frequently, close enough to reach me through windows closed against the oppressive heat, but...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Confessions Of A Boring Old Guy
A few weeks ago, while we were vacationing in Colorado, I got high. When I was young — high school, college, and into grad school, I used to get high a lot. Too much, probably. But upon marrying Nancy...
View ArticleMonday Musings (On Tuesday): Feeling the Loss of Jimmy Buffett
The news of Jimmy Buffett’s death this past weekend, hit me surprisingly hard, and I am still trying to figure out why. Buffett, the “Roguish Bard of Island Escapism,” as the New York Times called him...
View ArticleMonday Musings: Family Update
We are in New York this weekend — an impromptu trip to help our older daughter who is suffering through some rough side-effects after her most recent treatments. We are dealing with a lot right now....
View ArticleWednesday Musings: (No, That’s Not a Typo) Let’s Spend a Flight Delay Together
I have little to say professionally this week, but I have been thinking a good deal about a great many things. So, I’m double-dipping on musings . . . . On Monday of this week, after a busy weekend in...
View ArticleTuesday Musings (Yeah, I Know…): Another (Brief) Update
I’ve started this post several times, only to flame out after a few lines. The truth is, I have nothing I want to write. I am in New York again, staying with my older daughter, doing what I can to help...
View ArticleAlexis Jordan Berner-Coe, 1995-2023
This is the post I never wanted to write. The one I dreaded, the one that was, not so long ago, unthinkable, and, more recently, heartrendingly inevitable. Our darling older daughter, Alexis Jordan...
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